Online ads promote 'simple' access to super to pay for healthcare, despite strict rules

Peak consumer body and financial services minister warn against private providers encouraging patients to tap into super to fund medical procedures. "While we recognise that it is not illegal for dental practitioners to be advertising in this way, we aren't exactly thrilled by it either... There are ... practitioners who view super as their personal river of gold... It is greedy."

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Dentists warn oral health deteriorating further in outback towns, residents call for urgent action

Dentists warn of serious flow-on health effects as the state of oral health in the bush deteriorates even further. A lack of dentists willing to practise in the outback is the main cause of poor oral health, the dental association says. Local leaders are calling for better incentives and HECS assistance to entice dentists to rural towns.

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Homegrown success and innovative toothbrush business making waves in global market

Bunbury mother of two Jessica Lewis has become a homegrown success in the space of a year after creating an award-winning business from scratch with an innovative toothbrush.

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