Shapeshifting microrobots can brush and floss teeth

Hands-free system could effectively automate the treatment and removal of tooth-decay-causing bacteria and dental plaque, research shows. A robotic microswarm may one day automate the routine of rinsing, brushing, and flossing teeth. A multidisciplinary team developed the technology, which employs a magnetic field to direct the iron oxide nanoparticle-based microrobots into antimicrobial bristle- and floss-shaped arrays.

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New DBA infection prevention and control resources now available

The resources, which include a self-reflective tool, FAQs and fact sheet, have been developed to help practitioners understand their obligations to practise safely, critically reflect on how they practise and address some common questions.

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Tribute to the late Dr Russell Charles Price

Russell Price was a man of humble demeanour who sought challenge and adventure during a long and interesting life. Russell was a dentist by profession, and while he spent most of his time in his dental practices at Young he also worked in London, North Sydney and other locations in both countries.

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