Dr Karen Luxford appointed CEO of the RACDS

With over twenty years’ experience in executive leadership in an extensive range of areas including health, strategic planning and stakeholder and government relations, Dr Karen Luxford has joined the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons as the new Chief Executive Officer.

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Sugary drinks being phased out of NSW health facilities

Sugary drinks will be phased out of vending machines, cafes and catering services in NSW health facilities by December as the State Government attempts to reduce obesity rates.

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TGA Seeks New Powers To Address Illegal Supply

The Australian Government is proposing legislative amendments that will allow it to effectively crack-down on illegal importers of dental products, such as those who import products via the internet. This move, that will preserve the integrity of the TGA’s legislation and enhance patient safety, comes about following sustained political advocacy by ADIA.

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I brushed my teeth with charcoal for six weeks because a Facebook ad told me to

In my defence, I'm very self-conscious about the colour of my teeth. That's how products that rely on social media advertising and blogger/influencer endorsements lure you in – they prey on your insecurities.

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