Mental health pandemic: Finding light at end of tunnel

For dentists and dental professionals who are required to work face-to-face throughout lockdown periods, to provide emergency dental services, and also those in the public sector deployed to work at COVID testing and vaccination centres, there would likely be a lot of anxiety about potentially catching the virus and unwittingly passing it on to family members.

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Vaccine mandate set for SA health workers

A COVID-19 vaccine mandate covering almost all health workers in South Australia will apply from November 8. The health direction will cover people working in GP clinics, dental clinics and pharmacies, as well as allied health professionals including physiotherapists, podiatrists, speech pathologists, optometrists and others working in health administration and testing.

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New technique helps researchers understand how acid damages teeth

Researchers have developed a new technique to improve understanding of how acid damages teeth at the microstructural level... The researchers performed a technique called "in situ synchrotron X-ray microtomography" at Diamond Light Source, a special particle accelerator facility...

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